Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Everything you want is waiting for you! Your job is to be ready for it. Sian is passionate about helping to make the journey to achieving everything you want possible. As an Internationally Accredited Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy & Master Coach, Sian shares inspiration and practical tips on how you can use your mind to uncover and release the mental and emotional blocks that have been keeping you stuck so you can unlock your potential and become the vibrant person you were to be!
Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Eliminate Obstacles with This Simple Technique
You know, those moments when you break through your self-imposed limitations and suddenly, you feel like a whole new person? 💫
It's like a cosmic "aha" moment that makes you question if you ever were that old version of yourself 🤔
I've been running my NLP Practitioner course this week, diving deep into the mindset stuff 🧠 and it's already causing some major shifts in perspective for everyone (& we're only on week 1) 🤯
It took me right back to the first time I learnt what I now teach others and it struck me how as we break through our limitations, we can eventually feel like an entirely different person, almost as if we've shed our old skin 💪
Have you ever experienced that too? It's like looking back at your past self and thinking, "Wow, was that really me?" 🤷♀️
It's a powerful sign of growth and transformation when you no longer identify with the limitations that used to define you and you start to forget that you ever were that person.
But here's the secret sauce; it's the small changes stack up, they're the building blocks that ultimately lead to massive transformation 🎯
In this episode, I've got a little treat for you. I've included a short technique to help alleviate or even release those minor negative emotions or thoughts that might be bugging you. I can't wait for you to experience it🎙️
Abundance Unlocked Hypnosis
Start Before You're Ready Roadmap
5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease
My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out
Forgiveness Meditation
Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma
Alignment Activator: 1-1 Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)
Connect with me @iamsianhill
Hey, and welcome to the Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life podcast. Now, if you're watching this on video, you'll see that I am in my gym gear today. This is because I've had a really, really busy week, and I'm kind of squeezing things in wherever I can. So getting dressed properly was just not a priority today. Sometimes you've just got to work with what you've got. So that is what I'm doing. Now, before we dive into today's episode, this week was amazing. We had our first practitioner call and it was so, so fabulous. One of the things that I love, which I often forget about, is the breakthroughs that people actually have just hearing the mindset stuff. So the, the shifts that it can make before even learning about any of the bigger techniques, just starting to think. differently. It absolutely warms my heart to be part of the changes that these wonderful women are already experiencing and they're already practicing and implementing in their day to day life, which is really where the magic happens. And there is a lesson in that, and it's one of the things that we spoke about on the call, when you push through the limitations of an identity that maybe you've been holding that is keeping you stuck and isn't working for you, when you break through that, and it's no longer who you are, neurologically, you no longer, connect with that time anymore, with that old version of you. So even though it happened, even though you know that at the time you felt a certain way, maybe you believed a certain thing, you no longer do. And you can almost forget that that's how things used to be. So going back to the foundations of NLP, the fundamentals, It's what everything else is built upon. I remember the first time I heard it and the shifts that it had in my own life, which if I'm honest, I'd completely forgotten about whilst I live it every day, it is that whole forgetting how far you've come it's only when you look back and think, Oh my goodness me, even if the tangible world hasn't changed that much, just looking at the older version of you that used to think a certain way, used to feel a certain way, and maybe you no longer do. So it's worth acknowledging that. every step of the way and appreciating those subtle shifts, those simple day to day shifts that have the massive impact. And you can think of it a bit like going to the gym. When you first start going to the gym and you've got a low weight, maybe you can't, you can't lift very much. And then later down the line, when you're lifting these heavier weights, you go back and lift that lighter one. And it's like, you no longer connect with the person that couldn't lift it. You almost pick it up and think, gosh, this seems like a lifetime ago. I can't ever remember not being able to lift this weight. And it's the same in life. So these are the signs that things have changed and it's often overlooked because it's who you now are. So maybe take a minute to reflect and think back to a previous version of you that wouldn't have thought you were able to do the things that you're doing today. And just enjoy it for a minute, enjoy being where you are whilst you're also working towards more. And then also relate that to the future. Who is that future version of you that today may seem out of reach, yet it's really, really not. It's not even a matter of time. It's about stepping into and becoming that version of you now and practicing being them. now one of the things that Of course, gets in the way of that is the limiting beliefs that people hold, the negative emotions, the conflicts, the thought processes, the behaviors, the habits, all of that stuff, which is a much bigger topic. It's a much bigger process. Yet today, what I want to share with you is a short process that you can do. It's something that you can use for minor things. negative emotions, maybe niggles, frustrations, irritations that are bothering you that you want to let go of so that you can operate more easily and more in alignment in the day to day. So this isn't dealing with the root cause. It isn't releasing the major negative emotions. To do that, I use Timeline Therapy, whether it's with myself, with my clients, when I'm training. This is though a really quick tool that you can use for instant results to just feel better in the moment. So I'm going to go through it with you now. You can do this lying down, standing up, sitting down, however you feel comfortable. And it can be quite a relaxing process. Now, if you're watching this, I am going to turn off my camera to carry it out so that you can just forget about me. I'm not here. I'm just here to guide you through this process. So I hope that you enjoy it.
Okay, so take a few deep breaths in. And as you breathe out, just allow yourself to relax. With each deep breath, becoming more and more relaxed. And just begin to observe your body. And as you do, just notice the sensations in your body, just become aware for a moment. Now, bring to mind the minor feeling, the minor thought, the minor sensation that's been bothering you. Whilst focusing on that feeling, become aware of where it is in your body. It's in your chest. Maybe it's in your stomach. And then notice the direction of that feeling. Maybe it starts in your stomach and moves upwards into your head. If you haven't yet, just notice the color of the feeling. If it had a color, what would it be? What's the shape of the feeling? Want you to see that shape, that color, that feeling spinning, And see, hear, feel, or maybe just know the direction that it's spinning. As that feeling, that thought is spinning, I want you to imagine yourself pulling it up and out of your body. Maybe. Feel it working its way up and leaving through the top of your head and then moving its way out in front of you into a ball of energy. See that ball of energy spinning, noticing the color, noticing the direction. Good. Now take that ball of energy and as you observe it, just notice it beginning to change colour. Watch the colour shift and change into something beautiful. A colour that you love, maybe a white, a golden, a pink light of energy. A colour that fills you with joy. Good. And now change the direction. Turn that ball of energy around so it's spinning the opposite way, and as it spins, noticing it getting faster and faster, stretch it out, stretch that energy out so it feels expansive and free. Spinning bright light of energy. And now taking that energy, that expansive, pure light, take it above your head, pulling it back through the top of your head. Down through your throat. Working its way down into your chest. And as you do see it spinning faster and faster, the light expanding into every cell into your body, working its way down into your stomach and through every cell of your being spinning faster and faster. And as it spins, just notice that old feeling becoming weaker and weaker. Maybe it's disappeared completely. Spinning and expanding until the energy is filled every part, every cell, and you are bathed in pure light and filled with a new good feeling. Good. And now take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. And notice, how do you feel differently about that old thing that used to bother you?
Sian:Okay, so that was a really simple and quick process that hopefully left you feeling more empowered and at ease in this very moment. Now, I always encourage anyone who is ready to dive deeper, to look under the hood, to discover what is driving those thoughts, those behaviors, those niggles, those emotions in the first place. And Resolve them so that you can really start to move forward. You can really propel yourself into that future version of you now. And having tools like this is also super useful in the moment. So I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time.