Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Everything you want is waiting for you! Your job is to be ready for it. Sian is passionate about helping to make the journey to achieving everything you want possible. As an Internationally Accredited Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy & Master Coach, Sian shares inspiration and practical tips on how you can use your mind to uncover and release the mental and emotional blocks that have been keeping you stuck so you can unlock your potential and become the vibrant person you were to be!
Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Do or Do Not: Making the Leap from Trying to Doing
As the wise Yoda once said, "Do or do not, there is no try."
I'm diving deep into this Jedi-level wisdom and unpacking the monumental difference between merely trying and fully committing to doing. And let me tell you, it's a total game-changer for how you approach life.
Ever found yourself stuck in the perpetual cycle of trying but never quite reaching the doing part? When you finally make that shift from trying to doing, everything changes.
Trying gives us an easy out, a safety net to fall back on. Whereas, when you wholeheartedly commit to doing, you're all in. No excuses, no safety nets... and that can feel scary!
When you approach life with the energy of trying, you're constantly holding yourself back. When you embrace the mindset of doing, you step into your power. You take full ownership of your actions, your choices, and your outcomes... this is empowerment.
Sure, embracing the mindset of doing comes with its own set of challenges and uncertainties - but every stumble, and every setback is essential for growth. Resisting it only creates more resistance, making the journey much harder than it needs to be.
If you're ready to ditch the excuses, embrace the discomfort and go all in on your dreams, this episode is a must-listen.
I'll be sharing insights into why you might have been holding back in your efforts and how you can begin to make that powerful shift from trying to doing.
Abundance Unlocked Hypnosis
Start Before You're Ready Roadmap
5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease
My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out
Forgiveness Meditation
Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma
Alignment Activator: 1-1 Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)
Connect with me @iamsianhill
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Vibrant Minds Vibrant Life podcast. For those of you who are new here, I'm Sian Hill, I'm your host. And for those of you who have been here before, welcome back. Now, today's episode, it's a short one, yet it's a really, really powerful one. And it was inspired by good old Yoda himself. So, you may have heard the saying, do or do not, there is no try. This is something that I talk about often with my clients, with my students. It's the difference between trying versus doing. And with that, it can prompt a conversation around grey areas of how do you know whether you're trying or whether you're doing? What's the difference? So that's what I want to speak about today, to give you a bit of an internal compass to understand which side of the scales it is that you're sitting on. And also to unpack a little bit of what may be going on when you find yourself in the trying side of things versus the actually just going out there and doing it. Now, if you haven't already, I invite you to get hold of my free guide, the start before you're ready roadmap. Where I share with you five steps to break free from comfort and pursue bold action to achieve your goals with ease. Now in this guide you are going to discover how to harness failure as your superpower. You're going to unlock the secret to stop comparison, get a clear pathway to achievement And uncover what is the first step, what is that first step of action that you can take, that you can begin to build on. Because sometimes, when we're in the process of pursuing goals, particularly if they're big, it's like, where do you even begin? So this guide is going to help you to do that, and build resilience along the way, and set yourself up for success. It's a really powerful guide along with questions that you can ask yourself daily to check in. Am I on track? What can I do next? Rather than seeing the whole picture and being completely overwhelmed with where do I begin? I've got all of these things to do. There's so many resources I've got to find. It breaks it down so you can do exactly as it says, which is to start before you feel ready. One of the issues that I come across regularly with the many women that I speak to is kicking the can down the road, waiting to feel ready, planning, pre planning, pre pre planning, just thinking that when I've got my ducks in a row, when this happens, then I'll do that. But the minute that has happened, there's a new, when this happens, then I'll do that. Never feeling ready, thinking that there's going to be this point in time when I've created the perfect website when I've, you know, Got my free lead magnet when I'm, whatever it is, whatever your version of that is, almost thinking that that's the answer, that external circumstance is gonna give me the internal solution. Never works that way. Growth happens when you're able to step outside what's comfortable and it is going to feel uncomfortable. What this guide will give you is a roadmap to follow so that you're not just stepping out completely into the unknown without a sat nav, without any directions to say, Hey, come this way. So it will support you in making the uncomfortable as comfortable as possible and it will probably give you some realizations as to why you've been putting things off or where you're over complicating things. So it's going to break it down five simple steps that you can keep coming back to. So no matter where you are on your journey, it may be that you've already put yourself out there. You're already doing things that are uncomfortable yet. You've hit another, another block in the road. You've hit another ceiling that you're coming up against. And it's like, Oh, now what do I do? Either way, head to the link in the show notes where you can get your free guide So, do or do not, there is no try. Now the reason this is important is because the way that we approach all the tasks that we carry out, particularly when we're working towards goals and achieving things and creating the life that we want, the energy behind it the energy of doing versus trying is going to have a big impact on how we show up. It's going to influence the way that we think about it, the action that we take, the way that we feel about it, and whether we think it's worth bothering with or not. So the question is then, what is the difference between trying versus doing? now the difference is really commitment, conviction. When you say you're going to do something, It's then about showing up. It's carrying out the very things that you said you were going to do. Trying gives you the opportunity to let yourself off the hook. And it's usually driven by a need for safety and protection, which is your unconscious mind's primary role. See, here's how it goes. If you say that you're going to try and do something, what you're doing is allowing yourself space to to get it wrong. So if it, if it doesn't go as planned, if things don't work out how you wanted them to, then you can tell yourself, it's because I didn't really try, you know, I didn't give it my all. So therefore it's not really about me. It's because I didn't fully go in. Whereas if you decide. I'm going all in on this. I'm going to do the things that I said I was going to do. And then they still don't work out. The risk then is the stories that will apply to that, the meaning that we'll give it and what it means about who we are. You know, I try, I, I, not I tried, I did, I did and I still failed. So that means fill in the blank. I'm a failure. I'll never achieve anything. Whereas, if we stick with trying, then we can use that as the reason or the excuse as to why things didn't pan out. which can give an illusion of safety. It gives you an illusion of certainty, because, you know, as people we crave that certainty, that predictability. So even if the things that we can predict aren't the things that we want, they feel known to us. So we'd rather try things knowing full well that we're not going to see them through, but then we can prove ourselves right. Because, well, I knew it wasn't going to work out, so I'm glad I didn't put all my effort into it. And this is where beliefs become really interesting. Because even if it's something you know you want to do, if your core belief doesn't support you in achieving that very thing, you're going to look to prove that belief right. Because as people, it's almost like we'd rather be right than achieve what we want. Now let me give you a real life example of how this plays out. Imagine for a minute you're in a relationship and you're having an argument with somebody. And you know full well that what you're saying maybe isn't strictly correct, it's not true, but you would rather perpetuate that argument and keep it going than admit that you're wrong. Because in that knowing that you're right, It's certain, it's predictable, you can take the pain of the argument because well you know that was going to happen anyway. Just like, well if I try this thing and it doesn't work out, well I knew that was going to be the case. So again it's that proving yourself right and proving yourself right keeps you in that bubble of, you know. the known. I know it isn't going to work out, so at least I can tell people, well I gave it a go. Whereas if you put yourself out there, if you tell yourself I am doing this thing, of course there's a risk that it may not turn out as you would like. Yet what I invite you to do is start reframing that idea that even if things don't turn out as expected, that it's a failure and it means that you can't do it and you'll never succeed or whatever the stories may be that you've been telling yourself or that you may get hurt. You may be embarrassed, you may feel angry at yourself, whatever the emotion is that comes up. Because, think about it like this. If you get to your deathbed, if you get to the end of your life, are you ever going to look back on it and think, well, I'm really glad that I didn't go for that thing? Or, you know, I'm really pleased that, well, I tried, you know, I gave it 50%. Maybe if I would have given it 60, it could have worked out. Probably not. So better to go in and use whatever happens as feedback, as information. It wasn't a failure. It's just that way didn't work. And guarantee you will learn something from it. You will learn something that's invaluable to either help you to achieve what it is you want, or to apply that to something else. There is nothing that is ever wasted and you are going to feel so much better for going something, for going all in, for doing it, then you are ever gonna feel for just trying something, for doing something half heartedly. If Anything, going into something half heartedly reinforces the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from going all in in the first place. So whilst I always encourage you to have an open mind and open thinking, I'm kind of going to be a bit black and white about this, in that if you decide you're going to do something, Do it. If stuff comes up in the meantime, if you find yourself stumbling over your own thoughts, emotions that are coming up, that are getting in the way, then that's an opportunity. That is presenting to you the things that you need to work on. So whether you decide to address that yourself using what techniques you can get hold of online, on social media, on masterclasses, or you decide to work With a coach, a mentor, a therapist, whichever kind of modality works for you and which you, you know, those that you have access to in the moment, or you decide that information is feedback about what it is, what steps you need to take, so you can go and do the thing. So that is all part of the process. It's not, I'm going to go do this thing after I've released these beliefs. Me doing the thing, part of the process for me doing that and getting there is releasing the mental and the emotional obstacles that are preventing me. And I think that's something that often gets overlooked. releasing The internal obstacles, is part of the process. That is taking action. That may be the very action that you need to take. That doesn't mean that there isn't a need for physical action. You know, you can release the mental and the emotional stuff. You can sit and meditate. You can do all the mindfulness in the world and visualize yourself running. And if you want to go and run, you've got to get up and go and run. Yeah, if there are barriers, like, for example, a lack of confidence that prevent you from even buying a pair of running trousers, that's always going to slow you down mentally and physically in this example. So it's working with both and checking in with yourself, these steps that I'm taking, the action I'm taking, the progress I'm making, am I committed to it, am I doing it, or am I kidding myself, pretending that I'm doing it? So that I can prove myself right, let myself off the hook, keep myself safe. You know, this isn't about blame. This isn't beating yourself up. It's about recognizing where am I staying comfortable? Where am I seeking certainty in sneaky little ways that maybe are less obvious at times? Now, I hope you found that useful. Although it was short, I hope it gave you clarity on maybe areas of your life that you're pretending that you're doing when really what you're doing is trying. So understanding that and being able to point it out. recognizing that is an opportunity to check in and say is this really important to me? Am I doing it because I think I should and therefore that's why I'm not committing to it? I'm only trying because I really couldn't care less or I'm pretending that it's important and it's not really so therefore I'm not committing to it. either way, whether that's making the decision to go all in and do and commit to it, Or realize I'm trying and I'm gonna pop that one down for now. Maybe I'll come back to it, but for now, my energy is better spent on the things that I want to do. That I'm gonna do. That I'm gonna show up for. In doing that you're gonna free up a lot of mental space, a lot of energy Which can then be directed towards the things that you do want to do. Now, doing something doesn't mean that it's necessarily gonna turn out as planned or as expected as you would would've liked. Yeah, if you've gone all in and done everything that you can, then you can sit back knowing that's all I could do, rather than, well, I gave it 50%. So, there was a 50 percent chance it was never going to turn out anyway. And just sit with that feeling for a moment and realize how unsatisfying it is. How unfulfilling that feels to not really go for something, then not really achieve it and be able to prove to yourself that you knew you wouldn't achieve it. When you think of it like that, there are better ways that you can spend your time and energy. short and sweet. Hope you enjoyed it, and until next time, have a fabulous week.