Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Everything you want is waiting for you! Your job is to be ready for it. Sian is passionate about helping to make the journey to achieving everything you want possible. As an Internationally Accredited Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy & Master Coach, Sian shares inspiration and practical tips on how you can use your mind to uncover and release the mental and emotional blocks that have been keeping you stuck so you can unlock your potential and become the vibrant person you were to be!
Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life
Why Pushing Harder Isn’t Working and What to Do Instead
You're doing the inner work, taking action, and yet still seeing minimal change, if any!
Maybe you've been internalising this struggle and started wondering if something is wrong with you!
Seeing others achieve wonderful things while your progress seems slow can be disheartening.
You know you have the power to change your reality, but sometimes you wish you didn’t know that. Life seemed simpler when you thought things were just as they were, with no way to change them.
You're pushing and pushing, sometimes you're high and then others, you feel like giving up... it's exhausting!
It's easy to forget that manifestation is meant to be fun! But when it doesn't seem to work, it can feel heavy. The more you push against life, the more it pushes back.
The path to everything you desire is right in front of you, you just haven't seen it yet.
The world acts as a mirror, reflecting back to us where we believe we’re not free. By revealing the unconscious patterns, beliefs, and programmes that run our lives, we can release the resistance that keeps them in place. Once the resistance is gone, they no longer hold any power over us.
In this week's podcast episode, I share my own journey on the road to self-acceptance – embracing myself exactly as I am, where I am right now. This is the key that unlocks your energy for transformation.
Abundance Unlocked Hypnosis
Start Before You're Ready Roadmap
5 Steps to Break Free from Comfort and Pursue Bold Action to Achieve Your Goals with Ease
My Book - Activate Your RAS - The Art & Science of Creating Your Reality from the Inside Out
Forgiveness Meditation
Essential Foundations of NLP Diploma
Alignment Activator: 1-1 Coaching (Book A Free 30-minute Call)
Connect with me @iamsianhill